Abisko Research Station

The history of the Abisko Scientific Research Station dates back to 1903 when the first field station was established in the Torneträsk area. Since 1935 it has been under the auspices of The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.
The objective of the station is: "to provide Swedish and foreign visiting scientists with the opportunity of conducting scientific work based on the specific conditions of the environment surrounding the station and also to conduct such research with its own personnel".
The Station hosts the Climate Impacts Research Centre, the MAB Lake Torne Biosphere Reserve project office and SCANTRAN secritariat. The station is also used for teaching, symposia and other scientific meetings.

Investigations within many areas of biosciences and geosciences are carried out at the station. The emphasis of staff research is on plant ecology and meteorology. The main objectives of the ecological projects are to study the dynamics of plant populations and to identify the controlling factors at their latitudinal and altitudinal limits. The meteorological projects deal with recent climate changes in the region, and also with local variations of the microclimate in subalpine and alpine ecosystems.


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