Monday, 19 July 2010

Soil harvesting trial and BES

Morning meeting today as Dylan has arrived, hooray! Good news as we can get started on the UV-B plots. Jade and I have been measuring the Vaccinium vitis-idaea (whilst balancing not-so-gracefully on apparatus fondly referred to as "Doughnuts" - hilarious images to come...). Amy and Lyanne have been carrying out similar measurements with Empectrum hermaphroditum. The weather has been fair despite a few spats of rain and the mosquitoes have held off a bit. Our work has been quite efficient and speedy today so there is hope we could be finished with the measurements side of things by the end of the week.

As for Matt and Sarah they have begun the not-quite-so-exciting-yet-integral part of the research (in my opinion, that is) of data imputing. They have also been helping to execute a trial run of a soil harvesting experiment due to take place next year; provided the trial goes well.

Other good news is that our financial supporter the BES (the British Ecological Society) and Aberystwyth University are writing press releases on our activities. BES is a society that aims to advance ecology and support many ecological schemes, scientific publications as well as education and policy work. Anyone with an interest in ecology can apply for BES membership; there are already 4,000 members worldwide. Hopefully the article will be liked here for anyone with an interest in the subject to access (provided that they don't mind me waffling on or think it’s a bit pants!) Anyway I will be adding a link here as soon as it’s published!

A very happy Monday to all!

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